A free live webinar with international gurus in breast MRI and breast radiology, Prof. Uwe Fischer (Germany) and Dr. Norran Hussein (Egypt).
The webinar is leading in partnership with the Egyptian Society of Women’s Health.
Chief physician of Diagnostic Breast Center, Göttingen, Germany
Author of the MRI protocol «Göttingen Optipack»
Author of the radiologists desktop book «Mammography Casebook: 100 Studies in Breast Imaging» and the standard book in Breast MRI «Practical MR Mammography»
Chief Breast Radiologist & Deputy Executive Director at the Egyptian Women’s Health Program
Co-Founder of the Egyptian Society of Women’s Health & Head of the Breast Imaging Scientific Committee
CEO Seha Scan & Lab
Chief Breast Radiologist at the Evidia Medical Center in Hamburg (Germany).
OnkoZert expert in Breast Cancer Center certification.
MBA in Healthcare (University Düsseldorf).
Register now to get free access to breast MRI cases on the unique imaging viewer at the Mammologicum platform and evaluate your current skills.
Take the training on your own and join the expert cases review on the free webinar held on June 19th.
The link to the demo training is available after registration for the webinar.
The webinar will take place on
June 19th at 7 PM Cairo time,